Integration Templates
The following templates are provided to help you get started with Vega Cloud and are typically used to help review with your security teams before onboarding your cloud accounts onto the Vega Platform. These templates are provided as-is and are not supported by Vega Cloud. If you have any questions, please contact your Vega Cloud representative.
AWS Master Payer Account (MPA) CFT for Inform and Optimize SKU
AWS Master Payer Account (MPA) CFT for Operate SKU
AWS Linked Account CFT for Inform and Optimize SKU
AWS Linked Account CFT for Operate SKU
All possible actions: vega-cft-linked-operate_sku-all_actions.yaml
Parking Only Actions: vega-cft-linked-operate_sku-parking_actions_only.yaml
Parking and Tagging Only Actions: vega-cft-linked-operate_sku-parking_tagging_actions_only.yaml
Azure Readonly Permissions JSON
Azure vOperate Permissions JSON
Vega Platform Integration Role for GCP
Provides access to billing, bigquery, and other reporting resources:
Vega Platform Operate Permissions for GCP
gcp-operate-role.yaml In addition to the templates above, Vega Cloud maintains a Github repo with a number of helpful templates, scripts, and other documents for your use. You may view this repo at