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Kubernetes Integration Guide


The Vega Platform provides seamless integration for collecting detailed data and metrics from Kubernetes clusters through the Vega Kubernetes Metrics Agent. This versatile agent collects, processes, and transmits a wide range of metrics to the Vega Platform, giving users deep insights into the health and performance of their Kubernetes environments. The agent supports deployment both within a cluster (in-cluster) and externally (out-of-cluster).

Key Features

  • Node Metrics: Comprehensive data for each node, including capacity, allocatable resources, and utilization.
  • Pod Metrics: Resource metrics for all pods, including requests, limits, and actual usage.
  • Cluster Metrics: Aggregated cluster-wide statistics, covering total capacity, allocatable resources, and overall usage.
  • Persistent Volume Metrics: Detailed metrics for persistent volumes (PVs) and persistent volume claims (PVCs).
  • Namespace Metrics: Insights into namespace resource quotas, limit ranges, and resource consumption.
  • Workload Metrics: Monitoring for deployments, stateful sets, daemon sets, and jobs.
  • Networking Metrics: Collection of metrics related to services and ingresses.
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) Metrics: Tracking of HPA performance and scaling metrics.
  • Replication Controller & ReplicaSet Metrics: Data collection for replication controllers and replica sets.

Container Repository

The public container image repository is located at

Deployment Guide: Vega Metrics Agent via Helm

To deploy the Vega Metrics Agent using Helm, please ensure Helm is installed and configured. Refer to the official Helm documentation if you need assistance with setup.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add vegacloud

If the repository was added previously, update it by running:

helm repo update

Verify repo has been added

helm repo search vegacloud

You should see the vegacloud/vega-metrics-agent in the list

Installing the Vega Metrics Agent into your cluster

To install the Vega Metrics Agent chart, do:

helm install vega-metrics-agent vegacloud/vega-metrics-agent
--set vega.clientId="your-client-id" \
--set vega.clientSecret="your-client-secret" \
--set vega.orgSlug="your-org-slug" \
--set vega.clusterName="your-cluster-name"

Required Parameters:


<client_id> is obtained through the Client Registration in the Vega Cloud Portal settings UI.

<client_secret> is obtained through the Client Registration in the Vega Cloud Portal settings UI.

<org_slug> is the first part of your portal log in...i.e where portalslug is your org_slug

<cluter_name> is the name of your cluster

Deploying the vega-metrics-agent with Helm creates a kubernetes secret that stores the client_id and client_secret value. The vega-metrics-agent deployment then pulls the values from this secret.