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About Spaces

Spaces are the top level organizational structure in the Vega Platform. Spaces contain one or more Workloads. An example of a Space might be an environment, cost center, or a project.

Spaces Overview

What is a Space, Workload, or Resource Pool?

Spaces, our patented organizational model, allows you to define hierarchical structures that map to your business. Spaces can be defined by any attribute, such as environment or cost center. Spaces are the top level organizational structure in the Vega Platform. Spaces contain one or more Workloads. An example of a Space might be an environment, cost center, or a project. Workloads are the second level organizational structure in the Vega Platform. Workloads are defined by any attribute, such as application, environment, or service. Workloads are nested within Spaces. Workloads contain one or more Resource Pools that make up a Workload. An example of a Workload might be a web application, a database, or a microservice. Resource Pools are the third level organizational structure in the Vega Platform. Resource pools contain one or more resources. Resource pools are nested within Workloads.

Default Spaces, Workloads, and Resource Pools

The Vega Platform comes with a efault Space, Workload, and Resource Pool. The default Space is called "Default Space". The default Workload is called "Default Workload". The default Resource Pool is called "Default Resource Pool". The default Space, Workload, and Resource Pool cannot be deleted. Any resource that is not assigned to a Space, Workload, or Resource Pool will be assigned to the default Space, Workload, or Resource Pool.


Creating a new Space, Workload, or Resource Pool

Creating a new Space, Workload, or Resource pool is extremely simple. Simply click the "Create" button in the top right corner of the screen. Then, select the type of Space, Workload, or Resource Pool you would like to create. Spaces Create