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Bulk Upload for Provider Accounts

About Bulk Upload for Provider Accounts

The provider accounts functionality also provides the ability to upload provider accounts to the Vega Platform in bulk. On the +Link button on the Provider Accounts page will show an option for "Bulk Provider Import".

Provider Accounts Bulk Upload

Clicking on "Bulk Provider Import" will show a downloadable CSV Template for each provider type (AWS, Azure, and GCP). The CSV Template should be filled out with the appropriate provider account information and then uploaded to the platform. More detailed instructions for each provider are listed in the sections below.

Provider Accounts Bulk Upload

Amazon Web Services (AWS) CSV File Format

Required Fields:

  • AccountID: The AWS account ID.
  • AccountName: The name of the AWS account.
  • PayerAccountID: The AWS payer account ID (if applicable). If the PayerAccountID is omitted in a row, this row will be treated as a payer account and will be detected and created before all other rows (linked accounts). Otherwise, if the PayerAccountID is present, the row will be processed as a linked account.
  • ExternalID: The external ID used for cross-account access.


513971506177,DPZ Dev Account,,vega:370c4171-6597-4a3f-a453-64852a0374fb
509819156868,automated test,513971506177,850120924120Test


  • Ensure AccountID and AccountName are correctly filled.
  • PayerAccountID is optional, but needs to be present if the account is NOT a payer account. If blank, the row will be treated as a payer account, like the first row in the example.
  • Double-check the ExternalID for correctness.

Azure CSV File Format

Required Fields:

  • subscriptionId: The Azure subscription ID.
  • subscription: The name of the Azure subscription.
  • clientId: The Azure client ID.
  • clientSecret: The secret value for the client ID.
  • tenantId: The Azure tenant ID.




  • Double-check for accuracy in the subscriptionId, clientId, clientSecret, and tenantId.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) CSV File Format

Required Fields:

  • type: The type of resource (e.g., service_account).
  • project_id: The unique identifier for the GCP project.
  • project_name: The name of the GCP project.
  • private_key_id: The identifier for the private key.
  • private_key: The actual private key.


service_account,vega-test-project,Vega Test Project,0ddc4b8c706a9b4685479882b75c92603957ae39,-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQC4Jx0QPk//GcLJ\no4LT2RY63/xWV0eD50GvC3xa6wn1woVo6ohwCRARq5CLBNkIMl3lg9IXDs0BIgYI\nRpiWDnMte+DXE3Bh2XWVZw8KxItlLlskYBnkuRBISdHQVVSn/zy/Op+9w73atUWF\nI3p4G7CEXIHMmQzWbIsYkSi11xNA7fCOIGD4kKWxh3597bTV7zcexkb9Hii7ELAc\ntBS4B+K5iU5kINzNsHkgAD54P1HVXYE/hRbgB5vmlJaQC1HN0BuVzQ1LEJ17ZlAx\nyshHQ4NnX8NrDvfagv19ptTu42mlVR7fXH3gSqBfJCvvQMKIwwVOoOrP3uM7oGKe\nlTYGQY69AgMBAAECggEAMhOk0h13yIGbWBTIR06RvnnZVytNzb8tu+mOK/UdVMDM\nYY7hgkHcpkl2uW8ci5+NOTAVALIDKEY/F4QauuVUWpgWL8BwpYd7c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\ndNmXD8mQw6IYU0vIdB0qNrM=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----


  • Ensure the private_key begins with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and ends with -----END PRIVATE KEY-----.
  • Replace any newline characters in the private_key with \n.

General Tips for All CSV Files:

  • Use a text editor or a CSV editor to edit the CSV files. Not Excel.
  • Do not include extra spaces before or after the commas.
  • Each account must be on one line, ‘\n’ is fine like in the gcp ‘private_key’
  • Ensure each row contains the correct number of fields.

Validate the CSV file format before uploading to reduce errors.

What not to do, Examples of incorrect formats

Incorrect AWS CSV File Format

  • Example:
  • Why it is wrong:
    • In the first row, the AccountID is missing. The account ID is a mandatory field for identifying the AWS account.
    • In the second row, the AccountName is missing. The account name is required for easy identification of the account.
    • In the third row, the ExternalID is missing. This field is essential for cross-account access and should be provided.

Incorrect Azure CSV File Fromat

  • Example:
  • Why it is wrong:
    • In the first row, the clientSecret and tenantId are missing. All fields are required for each subscription.
    • In the second row, the clientId is missing. This is a crucial field for Azure provider account creation.

Incorrect GCP CSV File Format

  • Example:
\"type\": \"service_account\",
\"project_id\": \"my_project_2\",
\"private_key_id\": \"pk_id_2\",
\"private_key\": \"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nMIIEvgIBADANBg...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n\",
\"client_email\": \"\",
\"client_id\": \"1234567890\",
\"auth_uri\": \"\",
\"token_uri\": \"\",
\"auth_provider_x509_cert_url\": \"\",
\"client_x509_cert_url\": \"\"
  • Why it is wrong:
    • In the first row, the project_name field is missing, which is a required field.
    • In the second row, the private_key field contains a multi-line JSON string, which is not the expected format. The private_key should be a simple private key string, beginning with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and ending with -----END PRIVATE KEY-----, without any additional JSON structure. Including a full JSON credential file here is incorrect and will result in parsing errors.

This example highlights the importance of adhering to the expected format for each field in the CSV file. Mixing formats or including unnecessary or incorrect data types can cause the parsing process to fail, leading to errors in the bulk upload process.

General Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Leaving mandatory fields empty. Every field in the CSV is essential for the creation of provider accounts.
  • Using incorrect or placeholder data in important fields like IDs, keys, and secret values.
  • Including extra spaces or characters that can cause parsing errors.
  • Failing to follow the specified format, such as the proper structure for private keys in GCP.
  • Mixing up field values, such as putting a client ID in the subscription ID field.

It's crucial to carefully review and validate the CSV files before uploading to ensure that all required information is accurate and complete. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of errors during the bulk upload process.