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About Users

The Vega Platform allows users who have been granted the necessary role access to invite new users, as well as edit or delete existing users within their organization. Additionally, users with the proper role access can manage the roles assigned to users in their organization to ensure everyone has the desired levels of access within the Platform. This page also allows users to view when a user was created, filter the users within their organization, and be provided a visual indicator if the user is currently active, pending invite, etc.


If your organization uses SSO, you may not be able to fully manage users in the platform. You may need to manage users in your SSO provider.

Add a new User

  1. Click the Invite User button on the right-hand side of the page. This will open a modal to input user information.

    Invite User Button

  2. Supply the required user information: First Name, Last Name, and Email. Optionally select any number of Platform Roles that will apply to the user.
  3. Click the Create button. A user will be generated in the platform. An invite will be to the user's email with further instructions to complete onboarding. Once complete, the user can log into the Vega Platform.

    Invite User

Edit a User

  1. In a user's row, select Edit from the available options in the Actions column.
  2. Make any desired edits to First Name, Last Name, Business Groupings, or Platform Roles.

    NOTE: A user's Email cannot be edited after creation.

  3. Click the Save button to complete the edits.

    Edit User

Delete a User

  1. In a user's row, select Delete from the available options in the Actions column.
  2. Click the Delete button in the confirmation dialog to delete the user from the Vega Platform.

    Delete User

Delete Multiple Users

  1. Select multiple users by clicking the checkbox in the first column of the table for each user to be deleted.
  2. Once multiple users are selected, a Delete Selected Users button will show above the table (next to the Invite User button).

    Delete Selected Usrs Button

  3. Click the Delete Selected Users button.
  4. Click the Delete button on the confirmation dialog to delete the selected users from the Vega Platform.

    Delete Multiple Users