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Found under Settings > Organization

This page will be your place for making edits to your organizational themes, such as the preferred organization name, logo, and styling.

Welcome to Organization!

We are excited to introduce Organization for our product, offering you enhanced customization options to tailor your platform's appearance. We have focused on providing you with the ability to change the organization name, personalize logos and styling throughout the platform.

Logo Customization

  • Easily upload your primary and secondary logos to reflect your organization's branding.
  • Customize the appearance of the minimized sidebar with the secondary logo.
Primary and Secondary Logos Specs
  • Primary Logo:

    • Max Size: 1 MB
    • Dimensions: Max 200 x 200 pixels
    • File Types: '.jpeg', '.png', '.jpg', '.ico'
  • Secondary Logo (Minimized Sidebar):

    • Max Size: 1 MB
    • Dimensions: Max 50 x 50 pixels
    • File Types: '.jpeg', '.png', '.jpg', '.ico'

Styling Customization

Primary Color
  • Choose a primary color to be applied throughout the platform.
  • This color will be the dominant theme across various elements.
Secondary Color
  • Choose a secondary color to be applied throughout the platform.

Background Color (Upcoming Functionality)

  • Stay tuned! We are working on expanding functionality to allow customization of the background color for a more immersive experience.

User Roles and Permissions - Access and Changes

  • Users with the roles 'org_owner' and 'vega_admin' have the ability to access Organization Settings.
  • Changes made by 'org_owner' or 'vega_admin' will be applied globally to all users in the portal.

Getting Started

To begin customizing your organization, log in with the relevant role, navigate to the settings menu, and find the 'Organization Tab'.

Your feedback during this Beta phase is crucial for us to enhance and refine these customization features. Feel free to reach out to your customer success team with any questions or suggestions.

Thank you for being part of our Beta release, and we look forward to bringing you more exciting customization options in the future!