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About Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security system that requires more than one method of authentication from independent categories of credentials to verify the user’s identity for a login or other transaction. MFA is an effective way to provide additional security for your Vega Platform account.

Select an MFA Client Application

Vega MFA requires the use of a temporary one-time use password (TOTP) application. Common examples of these are mobile applications such as:

  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Google Authenticator

If you are unsure whether your authenticator is supported, please reach out to your Vega Customer Success Team.

Enabling MFA in Vega

  1. To enable MFA, navigate to the settings page, click Multi-Factor Authentication tab, and then click the "Enable MFA" switch. This will enable MFA across your entire platform account.
  2. Once enabled, you will be prompted to enter your password and then scan the QR code with your MFA application.
  3. Once the QR code is scanned, your MFA application will generate a 6 digit code that you will enter into the MFA code field.
  4. Once the code is entered, click the "Verify" button. If the code is valid, MFA will be enabled for your account.

Enable MFA

Disabling MFA in Vega

To disable MFA, navigate to the settings page, click the Multi-Factor Authentication tab, and then click the "Enable Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)" switch off. This action will disable MFA across your entire platform account for every user.

Re-Enabling MFA in Vega

Any previously configured MFA will no longer be valid when MFA is re-enabled. Please delete the configuration from your one-time use password (TOTP) app and follow the setup directions with a new QR code scan.