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Vega Dashboard Author

Vega Cloud provides a comprehensive set of standard FinOps dashboards to get your FinOps team operational and quickly. The Vega Dashboard Author feature is an optional add-on that enables you to go a step further, building your own custom data analyses on top of the Vega curated multi-cloud billing dataset, publishing dashboards for re-use, and distribution of your custom view to your stakeholders.

Enabling Dashboard Author

To access Dashboard Author, a user will need an admin to assign them to the report_author role. If this option is not available to you, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Understanding the Vega Datasets

You will have access to the two standard Vega Datasets to build upon:

  1. The All Cloud Spend Summary dataset provide a daily aggregate over 13-months of cloud spend.
  2. The All Cloud Spend Detail dataset provides resource-level spend details over a rolling 90-day window.

These datasets are managed by Vega and cannot be modified in Dashboard Author. if you have custom data retention requirements, please coordinate your requirements with your Vega Customer Success Manager.

Create an Analysis

To create a custom analysis of your choosing, use the following procedure. Any analysis you create will be specific to your portal user.

  1. Under Vega Dashboard Author, choose Analyses, and then choose New analysis.
  2. Choose the given dataset to include in your new analysis, and then choose USE IN ANALYSIS.
  3. In the New sheet pop-up that appears, choose the sheet type that you want. You can choose between an Interactive sheet and a Paginated report.
  4. (Optional) If you choose Interactive sheet, follow these steps:
    • (Optional): Choose the type of layout that you want for your interactive sheet. You can choose one of the following options:
      • Free-form
      • Tiled

The default option is Free-form.

  1. Choose Create.
  2. Create a visual with desired fields and visual type.

Edit an Existing Analysis

Would you like to build another version or iterate on a prior analysis? Use the following procedure to make a copy tailored the way you wish.

  1. Navigate to Vega Dashboard Author, click on Analyses, and select the specific analysis you wish to modify.
  2. In case you are working with a pre-existing analysis from Vega, access the File menu and choose Save As to create your customized version.
  3. Tailor the data and visuals to align with your specific requirements. Modify and enhance the analysis to cater to your unique insights.
  4. Once your adjustments are complete, you have the option to either save the modified analysis for personal use or take it a step further by publishing it as a dynamic dashboard for broader access and collaboration.

Publish a Dashboard

When you are finished editing the analysis and layout, publish your Analysis to a Dashboard. Dashboards will be local to the user who creates them by default.

  1. Open the analysis that you want to use. Choose Share on the application bar, and then choose Publish dashboard.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new dashboard, select PUBLISH and then choose Publish new dashboard as, and then type a dashboard name.
    • To replace an existing dashboard, do one of the following. Replacing a dashboard updates it without altering security or emailed report settings.
      • To update it with your changes, choose Replace an existing dashboard and then choose a dashboard from the list.
      • To rename it, choose Replace an existing dashboard, choose a dashboard from the list, and then choose Rename. Enter a new name to rename the existing dashboard. When you rename a dashboard, it also saves any changes you made to the analysis.
  3. (Optional) Choose the sheets that you want to publish in the SHEETS dropdown. When you select sheets to add to the new dashboard, the dropdown shows how many sheets are selected for publishing. The default option is ALL SHEETS SELECTED.
  4. If you are replacing an existing dashboard, the sheets that are already published to the existing dashboard are pre-selected in the dropdown. You can make changes to this by selecting or de-selecting sheets from the dropdown list.
    • (Optional) Open the Advanced publish options. These options are only available if at least one sheet in the new dashboard is an interactive sheet.
  5. Choose Publish dashboard.

Share a Dashboard

Would you like to share a dashboard layout with other users? You have multiple options depending on your use case:

  1. Users not in the platform, or without the report_author role, will need an Export of the dashboard distributed to them. Depending on the configuration, PDF, XLS, or CSV are typical export formats and can be initiatied by clicking Export in the upper right corner of the dashboard.
  2. Users in the platform who are members of the report_author role can have dashboards shared with them. In the upper right corner of the dashboard, select Share and enter the email addres of the user. Shared dashboards will appear in that user's dashboard folder.

Data Dictionary

Column NameDefinition
closing_monthThe calendar month in which the usage occurs.
usage_dayThe date when the usage occurs.
reporting_monthThe length of time for which usage is reported. For example: current, this month, last month, or last year. Note: If the day of the current date is less than or equal to 10, then reporting_month is set as 'current' whereas if it is greater than 10 then the reporting_month is set as 'this month'.
client_nameName of the client.
billing_account_idUnique identifier for an entity's billing and financial management.
business_groupName of the high level aggregation of internal organization.
business_unitOrganizational unit derived from linked account and/or tags.
line_item_typeClassification or category used to label and describe individual charges.
linked_account_idUnique identifier assigned to an associated account within a platform.
linked_account_nameName of the linked account. For example: account name for AWS, subscription name for Azure, and project name for GCP.
cloud_provider_identifierConcatenation of linked account name and ID.
cloud_providerThe company or organization offering cloud computing services and resources. For example: AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.
cloud_regionName of the region where the resource resides. For example: US East.
cloud_specific_locationSpecific location of the resource. This is a more granular version of cloud region. For example: US East (N. Virginia).
productIndividual product values defined by the cloud provider. For Example: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
product_groupA higher level grouping than product cost detail category. This allows Vega to group individual consumption items into categories across clouds in a way that creates more meaningful aggregations of cloud consumption.
usage_typeRaw usage type from cloud provider billing that is a combination field. For example: BoxUsage:c4.xlarge represents instance based usage in AWS of a particular family, region and size type.
instance_typeThe specific family, size and generation of a particular resource. For example: an AWS EC2 instance such as M5.xlarge.
disk_typeType of disk used.
steady_stateThis is a Vega defined logic used to check if the resource is running greater than 95% of the available time during a month. This drives specific recommendations such as autoparking.
cost_categoryBreaks out billing lines by type, such as Credits, Marketplace purchases, On Demand usage, Savings plan coverage usage, etc.
lease_ownership_typeType of lease ownership.
lease_purchase_monthThe calendar month in which the lease is purchased.
ri_sp_arnRI/SP ARNs are used for various purposes, including tagging, policy management, and resource access control. They allow you to reference and work with specific CUD instances within your AWS account.
is_committed_use_eligibleTo check if a resource is eligible for committed use discount.
coverable_application_typeRepresents the type of product category or product cost detail category covered for a resource.
product_categoryAn aggregation of individual products into natural grouping categories. These apply across AWS, GCP and Azure. For Example: Containers, Data Transfer, Disk storage, etc. This is a more granular version of product group.
product_cost_detail_categoryThis is a more granular version of product category which breaks out Data Transfer into items such as AWS Inbound and AWS Outbound.
billing_unitThis is a normalized field that represents how each resource line is billed such as instance hour, GB/hr, request, etc.
operating_systemThe operating system associated with specific usage such as Windows, Linux, Red Hat, etc.
environment_sourceThe value that assigns the environment such as tag, linked account, resource, etc.
environmentThis is parsed from the linked account name, resource ID and the tag.
applicationTag specific to identifying applications. Vega adds cleaning logic to account for capitalization and spelling errors.
financial_owner_nameName of the financial owner.
financial_owner_emailEmail of the financial owner.
technical_owner_nameName of the technical owner.
technical_owner_emailEmail of the technical owner.
technical_team_ownerName of the technical team owner.
migrationTag specific to Migration - typically Yes or No.
migration_originTag specific to Migration which denotes which data center it was migrated from. Vega adds cleaning logic to account for capitalization and spelling errors.
channelThe channel a specific resource is associated with.
platformName of the platform used/ in use.
snapshot_originRepresents the source or point in time from which a snapshot of data or a system state is taken.
disk_usage_gbThe amount of disk usage in GB.
ondemand_costThe cost/ expense incurred for resources or services that are utilized as needed, without a fixed, ongoing commitment.
net_cashRepresents the sum of Gross Cash, Support Fees, Cross Service Discounts, Support Discounts and/or Private Rate Discounts.
net_fiscal_amountAmount that includes amortization of upfront cash associated with Committed Use purchases as well as large Marketplaces purchases which are amortized over the term of the agreement. This also includes premium support allocation to each line of billing data as well as any credit allocations and billing error corrections.
usage_amountRefers to the quantity or volume of a particular resource, product, service, or item consumed or utilized within a specified period.
savingsRepresents the amount of money saved.