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Vega Onboarding Pre-Flight Checklist

Expedite onboarding to Vega Cloud using the checklist below

Vega's recommended onboarding experience for new customers is to work with Vega's Customer Success team to get up and running quickly. The following inputs expedite that process so you can achieve results with Vega quickly.

What Cloud Providers (CSPs) will Vega be collecting from?

  • AWS, Azure, GCP? Vega's full list of supported CSP integrations are listed here
  • Snowflake is also available as part of the Vega Datametry Solution

What CSP accounts do you want Vega to ingest?

  • Create a list of your Cloud Account and/or Subscription IDs
  • Prioritize gathering a list of your billing accounts. These are parent billing accounts and with the right permissions we can export the list of any linked accounts.

How do you Allocate Spend Across your Organization?

  • If you have one, please provide a list or table that shows how cloud accounts/subscriptions should be mapped to your business groups?
  • If you have one, please provide a tagging standard that can help with allocation of resources? Don't worry, it's ok if tags are not strictly enforced and this information helps add precision.

Do you have custom rates or billing terms with your CSPs?

  • Do you have an Enterprise Discount Program (EDP), Private Pricing (PPTS), or other Enterprise Agreement with any of your Cloud Providers that entitle you to custom rates or billing terms?
  • These rates typically flow through to your bill, but when you provide Vega with this information, we can validate they are being (and historically have been) applied correctly.

Who would you like to provide Vega Platform access to?

Do you have access to add Vega roles in your Cloud environments?

  • You will need an account with "admin" level privileges for each Cloud Provider so that the Vega roles can be configured in your environment. These are used to access cost and usage data.
  • For Snowflake, admin access at "ACCOUNTADMIN" level is necessary.


1. Can I deploy the Vega roles prior to onboarding?

Vega recommends NOT deploying roles prior to onboarding. To successfully deploy the templates, you will need to collect your organization’s unique "ExternalID" parameter from Vega before deploying. This ID is linked to your Vega Portal and for new customers it is generated during initial onboarding. You are welcome to audit the deployment templates in advance, but deploying without the ExternalID parameter will require re-deploying templates later.

2. Where can detailed onboarding documents be found?

Detailed documentation is available on the Vega Docs site,

3. What are the pre-requisites for cloud billing configuration that are commonly overlooked?


  • Ensure the Cost and Usage Report (CUR) is set up, configured with hourly collection, set to overwrite existing report, and being exported in Parquet format
  • Ensure the cost allocation tags are enabled


  • None typically necessary


  • Enable “Cloud Resource Manager API” and “Big Query API” for all projects

4. Can I provide this information to Vega Securely?

Yes. If you have access to the Vega portal, there is a utility to send and receive files securely to your Vega team. If you do not have access to the Vega portal yet, please contact your Vega Customer Success Manager for a secure sharing link.

5. I'm lost, can Vega assist?

Absolutely, Vega Customer Success will walk you and your team through the process interactively. Reach out to your Account Team or Customer Success Manager to kick off the process.